Wedding room decoration is very exciting activity and people decorating the wedding room can show their love and affection to the wedding couple. Lots of aspects are to be considered while decorating wedding rooms like wedding bed, door, table, ceiling and floor decoration.

It is very important to decorate the room of a bride and the groom as this will make them feel very special. Whenever there is a plan for the decoration of a bridegroom room the idea must be decided when the Hindu wedding card reaches their homes, as this Hindu wedding card is a symbol that very less time is left for you to decide. There are many options in which we can get there room decorated like the most common one is the flower option.
Everyone likes flower as these are symbol of love, so these are the right choice. Now the most commonly used color for this occasion is red as this a color of love and roses are the best option but make sure that the roses with good fragrance are ordered as these are other roses as well but these lack the fragrance part.

Useful ideas regarding wedding room decoration:
1). First of all start from door decoration of the wedding room. Make a beautiful banner and write some welcome note on one side of the banner and don’t disturb on the other side of the banner. Use rose petals to write welcome note or you can also use colorful lights to say welcome to the beloved wedding couple.

2). To decorate the table in the room, place some centerpiece on the table and spread fresh flower petals on the table. Place candles on all sides of the table at equal distances.

3). In the wedding bed decoration, use flower bouquet and some beautiful candles. Select soft color bed cover and then write some best wishes for the couple using rose petals. Place floating candles on side tables of the bed.
4). To decorate the floor and add more romantic touch to the wedding room, lay carpet of red rose petals for the bride and groom. You can also leave some colorful balloons in the corners of the rooms and around the bed. Make a roadway of rose petals to walk on to the bed.

5). In ceiling decoration, hang crystal or fresh flower strips around the bed, if wedding is going to occur in summer season then place rose petals on flanges of the fan so that they may fall on the wedding couple when they put on the fan. This will add to the happiness and charm of that event.
Here is a beautiful Room decoration with white theme. White Bed sheet with red flowers and petals look amazing. The lamp light and beautiful candles are adding to the beauty. The striking floral pattern made by net fabric and bed and the dupattas hanging from top to four sides of bed make this decoration perfect.
The first night so most awaited moment newlyweds. So there is no harm for the moment, the special preparations need to be done such as decorating. Decorating bridal room may seem trivial. But if done incorrectly, not a romantic impression you would get. Romantic impression is important to revive your sex drive and removes nervous. Bridal room decoration, do not just put the sheets and duvet cover plus best flower arrangements in various corners of the room that will be used as a bedroom for the newly married bride. Some indigenous traditions consider decorating bridal procession is one that must be prepared and implemented before the wedding takes place. Why? Since the bridal room is the first room to be occupied by the bride and groom after the wedding done and the sanctity of the marital relationship going on here. Prayer and hope scattered here. For the bride, in addition to honeymoon, wedding room is also a matter that must be considered as a destination shelter after the party. Both bride and groom may not go directly to a honeymoon at the end of the night after a party. Both would have stopped one or two nights while new releases tired towards a honeymoon and they will occupy the bridal room. -..........................
It is very important to decorate the room of a bride and the groom as this will make them feel very special. Whenever there is a plan for the decoration of a bridegroom room the idea must be decided when the Hindu wedding card reaches their homes, as this Hindu wedding card is a symbol that very less time is left for you to decide. There are many options in which we can get there room decorated like the most common one is the flower option.
Everyone likes flower as these are symbol of love, so these are the right choice. Now the most commonly used color for this occasion is red as this a color of love and roses are the best option but make sure that the roses with good fragrance are ordered as these are other roses as well but these lack the fragrance part.
This decoration looks awesome. The bed is given beautiful hut shape by hanging curtains and decoration them with beautiful large colorful artificial flowers. It is looking awesome and resembles the rides of princess in the past.